Tuesday, October 9, 2007

#7 Thoughts On Technology

Techonology? Hum! What can I say?
For me technology is a bit frightening. I had been out of the workforce with kids for 12 years so coming back to work and trying to understand all the changes in technology that have taken place has been hard. However, I am getting there slowly, and even though I will never be a computer wiz I am willing to have a go. Hence this course.
One of the benefits of my efforts has been the chance to demonstrate new technology through internet demonstrations at work. Most of the people coming to the demos we run are older, and frightened or unsure of what is on offer. Because I know where they are coming from and how it feels, I believe I can demonstrate the internet or email etc more effectively, and with a lot of patience and reassurance. So although I may not be a techno buff, I can pass on the skills I have to help others become literate in the technology of today.

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