Monday, February 18, 2008

#26 Widgets

Ok I can see why people woould use this tool, it does the same job as favourites except that you have a more visual link on your screen. I played on the Yourminis discovery page and had no trouble manipulating the program, however it seemed to take up the whole page, I assume that the widgets sit at the bottom or top of your computer out of the way. This will have to remain an assumption as I am not going to try and load it onto this computer. Anyway, cool thing to know, probably appeal more to teenagers etc than me. I will stick to my tried and true "favourites" button.

The Constant Gardner

#25 Letterpop

Hey! I really like ning 2.1 stuff because I can do it, relate to it and actually see myself using it! I LOVED letterpop and have applications for it already such as my christmas letter and a newsletter for a group I am in. The applications are endless. The link I have included today is a Valentines Day message from Holly (my dog) to her friend Max ( her boyfriend). I hope you like it!

Signing off,

A happy gardener

Monday, February 11, 2008

#24 Zamzar

Well here I am again. Just when I thought I had got through Library 2.0 I find myself working on library 2.1. So far so good. I had no trouble with Zamzar it was very easy to use and is a very useful tool. I told my husband about it and he was very impressed, I think he will use it more than me at this stage! Anyway it is good to be back in blogland!!!!