Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 & web 2.0

I am currently studying to become a librarian and recently went on a study tour of a number of libraries in Melbourne. I found it really interesting. It opened my eyes up to the range of library work available as well as the diversity in library services. The whole idea of web 2.0 and library 2.0 came up during these tours particularly at the State library which is working on the provision of the latest in technology, especially for children.

I therefore related to the article away from the icebergs because some of the points he mentioned struck a chord with me. The first was the concept of keeping and storing items just for the sake of it as at CAVAL and the state library. I am not a hoarder and like to get rid of things that are not needed anymore. I know this is dangerous and prehaps not good library policy but I tend to agree with the author that we may no longer have to collect everything "just in case". I also agree that library services need to be easy to use and logical so that patrons can access them without needing assistance. I also agreed with the last point that we need to intergrate library services into society so that they are still seen as relevant, which they are.

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