Well I have finally reached the end. I found it both stressful and enjoyable. As anyone reading my blog would have picked up I am not the most computer literate person in the world and tend to use what I need to use, however, I have appreciated the opportunity to look at web2.0 and learn from it. I don't know If I will go back to many of the sites but I enjoyed making and adding to my blog, I enjoyed #10 and the pictures which can be made(I made the site a favourite for my kids to use), I liked Flicka, I got into YouTube and may work with the kids to post our own doggie video on it, but I still think it is a big timewaster.
Anyway Thankyou to the State Library and the team for running web2.0 and giving us the chance to realise that these things exist. I would like to do it all again in the future as I feel that I will be more comfortable with the technology on offer.
Signing Out,
The Constant Gardener